Tecno Engineering 2C S.r.l. is an engineering company formed in 1989, operating for several years in airport sector, in which it has reached a generally acknowledged position of great importance.
The Company carries out all the activities of study, planning and civil and plant design of aeronautical infrastructures such as airports and heliports, on both “air side” and “land side”.
Tecno Engineering 2C designs Instrument Flight Procedures. Firm has been duly approved by ENAC – the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, once successfully overcoming the severe qualification procedure. Certificate, issued in April 2012(n°: ENAC-FPDO-002), proves TE2C’s specialist knowledge, valuable experience and effective management system to design STAR, IAL and SID procedures.
With a staff of over 30 elements, whose competences answer to the numerous and various needs of an evolving sector like the airport one, Tecno Engineering 2C S.r.l. has developed a consolidated experience in numerous interventions, both in Italy and abroad.
The Company is directed by the Engineer Carlo Criscuolo who has to his credit also a long experience as pilot.
Tecno Engineering 2C S.r.l. is in possession of a Company Quality Management System conformed to the normative UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 for Design and Supervision of works, Safety coordination of of engineering works (law 494/96).
Tecno Engineering 2C is among the founding members of: “Air Tech Italy” (ATI) which since 2020 has been the main trade association representing Italian companies specialized in the supply of products, technologies and services for airports and air traffic control.
Ing. Carlo Criscuolo, TE2C C.E.O.
Tecno Engineering 2C, operating both in Italy and abroad on civil and military airports, has carried out numerous helipad projects and has so far provided its architecture and engineering services to the managers of over 80 airports, listed below, consolidating its leadership in the field.
Italian Airports
Albenga, Alghero, Aosta, Bari, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia Montichiari, Brindisi, Catania, Comiso, Crotone, Cuneo, Elba, Fano, Firenze, Foggia, Foligno, Frosinone, Gela, Genova, Ghedi, Grosseto, Grumento Nova, Lamezia Terme, Lampedusa, L’Aquila, Latina, Lecce Galatina, Lecce Lepore, Lucca, Matera Pisticci, Milano Linate, Milano Malpensa, Napoli, Olbia, Oristano, Padova, Palermo Punta Raisi, Pantelleria, Parma, Perugia, Pescara, Piacenza, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Rimini Miramare, Roma Ciampino, Roma Fiumicino, Roma Urbe, Salerno, Sarzana, Siena, Sondrio, Taranto Grottaglie, Tortolì Arbatax, Trapani, Trento, Treviso, Trieste, Venegono, Venezia Lido, Venezia Tessera, Vercelli, Vergiate, Verona Villafranca.
Foreign Airports
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Aleppo (Syria), Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), Antalya (Turkey), Astana (Kazakhstan), Banja Luka (Bosnia Herzegovina), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Damasco (Syria), Dakar (Senegal), Dashoguz (Turkmenistan), Dresda (Germany), Gerik (Malaysia), Gijrocastra (Albania), Kufra (Libya), Tver Migalovo (Russia), Mostar (Bosnia Herzegovina), Praga (Czech Rep.), Santiago del Cile (Chile), Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina), Shaybah (Saudi Arabia), Tirana (Albania), Tripoli (Libya), Tulcea (Romania).
Italian Heliports
Alessandria (COE 118), Arco (H), Cavalese (H), Cles (H), Frosinone, Lavagna (H), Madonna di Campiglio, Pesaro, Reggio Emilia (H), Roma Aurelia Hospital (H), Roma Caserma “Macao”, Rovereto (H), Sora (H), Tione (H), Trento (H), Volterra (H).
Foreign Heliports
Djeno (Congo Rep.).